Hello there, I am Pit Haupert! 

I am an International Relations student based in The Hague but originally from Luxembourg.

When I first got my camera, I was tired of the ordinary look that phone cameras produced. I had a desire to create something unique and exceptional, but I never imagined that this passion would lead me to establish my own photography business website just a few years later. The more I got into photography and the more I shot, the more I got obsessed with the craft. Apart from the results and ergonomics of cameras, I love photography for its ability to enable a lifelong learning process and to create unique images through the manipulation of colours, exposure, lenses, and filters.

For three years I’ve been trying to find myself, my style and the type of photography that gives me the most satisfaction. I tried various types of photography from landscapes to events to portraits and while this quest to find myself is still far from achieved, I have settled for the direction of people photography. I love to interact with people and I love to use my camera. Some day I was like, hey, why not combine both into one cohesive business model? And that’s basically where I am now: at the start of a new chapter of my photography career.

But also: my life isn’t just about photography! I like to cycle and play and teach beach volleyball at a local club. All these activities balance well with my study programme around politics, history and economics. 

Do you share any of my interests or want to chat about photography or other stuff? We could meet up and have coffee together!

I am happy to hear from you.