Pit Haupert Pit Haupert

Stop caring about followers

Growing as a photographer can be frustrating, especially on social media. In this article, I argue that we should focus less on followers and more on improving your photography and value community.

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Pit Haupert Pit Haupert

Three Ingredients to a Great Photo

Usually, as photographers, we have a good sense of distinguishing a good photo from a bad one. Sometimes, however, it is hard to identify the patterns of what a good photo makes. In this blog, I will share the three key ingredients of most great photos. We will go over the importance of having a clear subject, compelling composition, great conditions, and practical tips to achieve these elements in your photos.

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Pit Haupert Pit Haupert

Five Signs your Photography is improving

In his article "Signs Your Photography is Improving," photographer Pit Haupert outlines key indicators of photographic growth. These include spending less on gear and focusing more on skills, taking fewer but more intentional photos, using smaller apertures to enhance composition, carrying less equipment to foster creativity, and regularly reviewing your portfolio to recognize progress. Haupert emphasizes that true improvement comes from refining technique and vision rather than accumulating more equipment. Keywords: photography improvement, photography tips, camera gear, photo composition, minimalist photography, Pit Haupert.

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Pit Haupert Pit Haupert

How to keep making progress as a Photographer

As photographers, we are lifelong learners. Despite that, we occasionally get stuck in our progress. In this article, I introduce three pieces of advice that make you a great photographer in the long run.

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